How To Set Up a GIT Server on Windows

Today, it’s considered vital to use a version control system when developing web applications. The reason behind this is that it makes life easier for developers that work in a team to share code between each of them and to be able to see the change history for files in a project. The main version control systems, currently on the market, are GIT and SVN .

This article explains how set-up a GIT Server on Windows. Just to note that a some technical knowledge and experience is assumed, this is not for complete newbies!

Having reviewed online information, we setup our Server using Bonobo GIT Server. We chose Bonobo GIT Server because it’s a free and open source project that anyone can download and it provides good documentation. Before starting to download and install the Bonobo software you will need to make sure that your machine is running IIS 7 or higher. If you don’t know how to setup an IIS on your Windows installation, please visit the Microsoft website and look for: Install Internet Information Services(IIS) .

If you need to check what your machine is running or whether IIS installed, you can check it on Services, look for World Wide Web Publishing Service, as shown in the image below:

Set-up a Git Server

Another way to check is by going to Start > Run and type inetmgr.  If you see the inetmgr icon, it means that IIS is installed on your machine. Please make sure that your IIS Web Server is running and you can double check this by typing: http://localhost  into your browser. If everything is fine you should then see the following in your browser:

Set-up a Git Server

Other prerequisites are:

Please make sure that you have installed both of these before proceeding further.

If you already have the .NET Framework installed, make sure that you are running at least version 4.5.  The GIT Server will not work properly if you use an older version.

Once all the prerequisites have been installed you can finally start the installation of the GIT Server.

Download the GIT Server project from here and extract the code under your C:\inetpub\wwwroot folder as shown below:

Set-up a Git Server

The C:\inetpub\wwwroot folder is the location where your IIS Web Server is looking for websites to run on your machine.

Please make sure that the user IIS_IUSERS is set with Write and Modify privileges on App_Data folder.

Now, all that is left is to open the Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager and convert the Bonobo.Git.Server project to an Application. To do that, from the IIS Manager left panel, right click on the project and then choose the option “Convert to Application”.

If everything is set-up correctly and your IIS is running you will now be able to access your new GIT Server from this link: http://localhost/Bonobo.Git.Server/

Set-up a Git Server

The final step is to login using the default account details:

Username: admin

Password: admin


NB: For a full documentation of this please visit the


Git Logo by Jason Long is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.