A Review of Web Design Trends for 2014

Congratulations for making it through January!  Welcome to our blog item where we’ll be introducing some web design trends for 2014 from our recent work.

Don’t forget the ever important responsive design – which, as sure as eggs are eggs, isn’t going away!

Forum Business Media

White Space
When you’ve lots to say, don’t pack your pages with too much text. Use white space to keep things looking sophisticated and clear.

Direct Entry

Simple Colour Schemes
To compliment white space, simple colour schemes look cohesive and modern.

TPG Design

Parallax Scrolling Pages
This year sees the rise of parallax scrolling. Background images move at a slower speed to the foreground content, creating an illusion of depth. See our very own website for this refreshing trend.

Sturgeon Ventures

It’s so important that your website expands and contracts to be easily readable no matter what size the screen of your device – pc, laptop, tablet or phone.

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