7 Questions To Ask When Planning Your Digital Marketing

TPG Design have put together a list of 7 questions to ask yourself when planning your digital marketing for 2016.  Where should your priorities lie..? Sometimes it’s hard to know, but hopefully these questions will highlight the areas that are ticking over nicely, leaving time and budget to allocate to those areas that need reviewing.

  1. Has your website traffic increased over the past year?
  2. Do you generate leads from your website?
  3. Do you review Google Analytics?
  4. Is your site maximised for organic search?
  5. Do you communicate with your customers by sending newsletters, writing blogs, landing page offers?
  6. Do you have a social media presence?  If you do, is it effective, up to date or taking up too much time with no results?
  7. Do you have a list of keywords and phrases in mind when planning content?  Or for particular campaigns, product offerings?

Do answer these questions honestly (no one’s looking).  Of course, asking questions often leads to more questions for example – I don’t have a list of keywords and phrases – how do I find out what these are, what are people searching for?  A good place to start is asking existing clients how they found you, how does your website answer their problems? Keywords and phrases are not a list of what your product or service is or does.  Start by asking how they should answer your chosen target market’s problems or challenges.  It can be the case, that content is too full of technical jargon, rather than selling the dream of challenges being overcome.

You can also find the answer to how people are finding you through your Google Analytics account.

The best place to start your digital marketing… is at the start.  It might sound obvious, but getting your basics right and then moving on up ensures you are setting the right foundations.

Need some help?  TPG works with a variety of clients on their SEO and digital marketing – come and join in!